Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wool, wool, wool

Is it sad that folded piles of wool make me happy?
These are just a few of my finds at the local thrift store.
I need to start some projects with them but so far I am too nervous to "ruin" them.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our new "Dear Girl"

I am so excited! Jana and her husband graciously allowed us to adopt their cute trailer. I cannot wait to start restoring her to all of her glory. I will be recruiting my two boys for the project whether they like it or not ;). Hopefully they will have as much fun with it as I plan to have :). I have promised Jana that I will take lots of pics of this adventure so keep checking in to keep up with all of the hilarity. I forsee a Lucille Ball episode in here somewhere ;). Thanks again Jana! Please check out Jana's blog at twigdecor.blogspot.com. I know that you will all love it just as much as me. She is so talented!
By the way, I need help with naming my new "girl". I think a bit of an old fashioned name would be in order such as Myrtle or Penelope or something along those lines. Thanks for the help everyone :). I would love to see some pics of your vintage trailers!